The Best Way To Get Rid Of Dirty Roaches In Your Greenville Home

February 15, 2023
Cockroaches in Greenville are no friends of ours, yours, or any homeowners. These unwanted critters find their way into our homes, start to have offspring, and pose a real threat to our health.
Read on to learn about the most common cockroaches our Greenville pest control company deals with, and what you should do if you see one of these scary bugs in your home.
Types Of Roaches That Can Be Found In Greenville
Cockroaches are common all over the world, but in Greenville (and most places in the United States), you’ll likely be dealing with one of a few species of roaches.
Here are the most common offenders you’re likely to see hanging around in Greenville:
American cockroaches
German cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches
These three “usual suspects” are by far the most common types of cockroaches found in the United States and, indeed, many other places all over the world. There are, of course, many more species around, but the ones that seem best at making their way into our homes are listed above.
If you’re still not sure what sort of insect you’re looking at while trying to diagnose a potential infestation, don’t play the odds – reach out to us immediately for a professional assessment.
The Health Hazards Roaches Bring Into Your Home
Cockroaches are renowned all over the world for their durability and the health hazards they pose to us.
Cockroaches can drag bacteria and other pathogens into your home.
Cockroaches can exacerbate allergy and asthma symptoms.
Roaches may attract other animals or create pathways for other insects to use to enter your home.
Roaches can and will congregate around food sources. That means they can transmit all of these lovely hazards directly onto your food.
As you can see, cockroaches aren’t just ugly or inconvenient. They’re actually very harmful to humans and should be considered a top priority should you find them in your home.
Remove Factors That Attract Roaches Into Your Home
The cockroaches you see in your Greenville home share one thing in common with us – they’re there for food and shelter! By removing these factors and making them less available, these persistent bugs will invest their time and energy elsewhere.
Take care of open containers, trash bins, exposed food, and any clutter that roaches might use to stay hidden. Without shelter and food, they won’t be anywhere near as interested in your home!
If your home has lots of open space, few places that offer shelter (clutter, etc.), and is well-lit, then cockroaches won’t be as interested in it as in other spaces. A full-blown infestation can’t be remedied with this behavior, but homeowners have a lot of preventative tools at their disposal.
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Roaches In Your House
As you can see, a lot of people want to know how to get rid of cockroaches naturally. While it’s true that there are some cockroach control products out there for the average homeowner, take it from the pros – roaches can take everything the layperson can throw at them with a smile! It may be disheartening, especially for DIYers, but don’t try roach pest control on your own
If you want to get rid of cockroaches, the only solution is to call in the Greenville bed bug control professionals. SureShot Pest Control is standing by to help you take control of your Greenville home back from these most unwelcome pests.
View All BlogsCockroaches in Greenville are no friends of ours, yours, or any homeowners. These unwanted critters find their way into our homes, start to have offspring, and pose a real threat to our health.
Read on to learn about the most common cockroaches our Greenville pest control company deals with, and what you should do if you see one of these scary bugs in your home.
Types Of Roaches That Can Be Found In Greenville
Cockroaches are common all over the world, but in Greenville (and most places in the United States), you’ll likely be dealing with one of a few species of roaches.
Here are the most common offenders you’re likely to see hanging around in Greenville:
American cockroaches
German cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches
These three “usual suspects” are by far the most common types of cockroaches found in the United States and, indeed, many other places all over the world. There are, of course, many more species around, but the ones that seem best at making their way into our homes are listed above.
If you’re still not sure what sort of insect you’re looking at while trying to diagnose a potential infestation, don’t play the odds – reach out to us immediately for a professional assessment.
The Health Hazards Roaches Bring Into Your Home
Cockroaches are renowned all over the world for their durability and the health hazards they pose to us.
Cockroaches can drag bacteria and other pathogens into your home.
Cockroaches can exacerbate allergy and asthma symptoms.
Roaches may attract other animals or create pathways for other insects to use to enter your home.
Roaches can and will congregate around food sources. That means they can transmit all of these lovely hazards directly onto your food.
As you can see, cockroaches aren’t just ugly or inconvenient. They’re actually very harmful to humans and should be considered a top priority should you find them in your home.
Remove Factors That Attract Roaches Into Your Home
The cockroaches you see in your Greenville home share one thing in common with us – they’re there for food and shelter! By removing these factors and making them less available, these persistent bugs will invest their time and energy elsewhere.
Take care of open containers, trash bins, exposed food, and any clutter that roaches might use to stay hidden. Without shelter and food, they won’t be anywhere near as interested in your home!
If your home has lots of open space, few places that offer shelter (clutter, etc.), and is well-lit, then cockroaches won’t be as interested in it as in other spaces. A full-blown infestation can’t be remedied with this behavior, but homeowners have a lot of preventative tools at their disposal.
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Roaches In Your House
As you can see, a lot of people want to know how to get rid of cockroaches naturally. While it’s true that there are some cockroach control products out there for the average homeowner, take it from the pros – roaches can take everything the layperson can throw at them with a smile! It may be disheartening, especially for DIYers, but don’t try roach pest control on your own
If you want to get rid of cockroaches, the only solution is to call in the Greenville bed bug control professionals. SureShot Pest Control is standing by to help you take control of your Greenville home back from these most unwelcome pests.
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